Whenever you acquire a brand new web hosting account, your payment is processed, the account is set up and as automated as the whole process may be, there are always smaller things that are executed personally. For a virtual or a dedicated server there're even more tasks to be done considering that these forms of hosting normally need a manual assembly, software installation & configuration, testing the server setting in order to guarantee that all things are working fine, etc. To fund the cost for the time and efforts all these tasks take, a lot of companies collect a one-time set-up cost to be paid by their customers in addition to the cost for the web hosting. The charge usually is valid for any new web hosting account being ordered and it is hardly ever mentioned on the company’s website, still it would appear on the checkout page.

Setup Fee in Web Hosting

Our company does not charge anything in addition to the cost of the web hosting that you pick, which means that you won't be required to pay any set-up fees or any kind of fees except for what you've already found on our front page. We believe that being honest with our clients is of crucial importance for developing a long-term business relationship, that being said we will never expect you to pay hidden fees of any sort, particularly for something that is nearly completely automatic and normally requires several min to be done by our system. You will not pay installation costs even when you order a number of accounts plus they'll all be entirely active instantly, so that you're able to begin creating your websites. The overall amount of money that you have to pay for all of our packages is the same that you will find on our front page.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you acquire a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you'll pay just the monthly fee that is already displayed on our web site. The account will be set up on our servers and we will activate it within a few minutes at no additional cost. This shall be valid for each and every monthly charge and whatever the total number of accounts that you buy. It's our principle that it's unreasonable to charge you additional money for something that we have almost fully computerized, so you'll never see any kind of installation charges or any other concealed costs. Because of this, the fees that are on our front page, on the payment page and on your bank statement will be identical.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

If you acquire a dedicated server through our company, all you have to pay will be the regular monthly price for your package. We shall assemble the hardware that you've picked during the signup, we'll set up an Operating System, web server, hosting Control Panel plus all other software that is provided with our packages, then test the machine, but we will never require you to pay anything extra for this. The fee for the dedicated server you select will always be identical - on our front page, on the order page and during your payment process, and there'll be no concealed costs of any sort. When you acquire a dedicated server with our Hepsia control panel and you already have a shared web hosting account from our company, we will transfer all your info - again free of charge.