The management of a virtual or a dedicated server is different than that of a standard shared web hosting account, therefore if you need a machine of your own for site content or offline applications, you might encounter issues which you have never faced before. All system tasks on a shared hosting machine are handled by the hosting provider, but if you have your own hosting machine, all of these tasks are something you need to deal with. In the event that a process freezes for some reason, for example, or if the overload on the hosting machine increases considerably, you'll need to take measures to restore the proper functioning of the hosting server. Doing this might be a challenge if you have never managed a hosting machine before and you do not have a lot of experience, so if that's the case, you may use the Managed Services upgrade which we supply. Along with other management tasks, you willdiscover a Monitoring & Rebooting service in the package, so our staff can keep a watchful eye on your server 24/7 and reboot it if needed.

Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers

You'll be able to use the Managed Services upgrade with each of our dedicated server services and you can add it to your plan with several clicks when you register or using your billing Control Panel. Our system admins will activate a number of automated internal checks which will keep track of the system processes on your server and will ensure its constant functioning. If any software application consumes an excessive amount of memory, uses too much processing time and affects the whole hosting server or has simply stopped responding, our administrator staff shall be alerted straight away and will take measures to restore everything within a few minutes. They can determine the reason behind the issue and restart the server if this kind of an action is necessary to eliminate a certain problem. If you use our admin services, you'll save money and time as you will not have to monitor the dedicated server yourself or pay to another organization which can inform you about an issue, but can't do anything to deal with it.